Saturday, March 29, 2008

DIY $115 Plate Reverb!

The Squarewave Parade shows us how to build a plate reverb for under $115 here.
Make sure to check out the rest of the squarewave parade site - a lot of cool projects and noisemaking products.

If you wanna get really serious about building a plate reverb system - TapeOp published a great article. archived by prosoundweb. It'll cost more - but still should stay under $500. For more Plate DIY related stuff browse here.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Guitar Hero Controller = keytar

Out of the piles and piles of guitar hero controller hacks on the interweb, this one interests me the most. This guy tweaks out the hardest.

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Physical Drum Machine Roundup

A drum machine triggering analog sounds or samples is cool. A drum machine triggering physical arms/mallets/beaters/whatever is much much cooler.

P.E.A.R.T (Pneumatic and Electronic Actuated RoboT)is a robotic drum machine created by a handful of guys at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Link.

This is a very cool autonomous robot that seeks out things to drum on.

Robotic Drum Teacher:

Via Music Thing - Peter Jackson has a robotic ragtime orchestra

This video contains awkward Peter Jackson, even more awkward robot ragtime band salesman, and a display case of robotic ragtime instruments performing a $100,000 rendition of "A day in the life" by the Beatles. What more could you ask for?

Youtube roundup:

More automated drums here.

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Toshio Iwai Roundup

This man has spent years creating incredible sound-art installation projects. Here are a few videos of some of his stuff.

Older Piano installation

Retrospective a talk I saw at 2006 Futuresonic in Manchester:


Demonstrating his Tenori-on instrument.

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I wish I had an Anechoic Chamber

Oobject posted a roundup of anechoic chamber literature, photos and projects.

(via Music Thing)

Brazil meets Skywalker Ranch in what may be the greatest surround sound system ever.

Also, This is the strangest semi-nude anechoic chamber related fashion experiment ever.

These videos are great if you love boobs and incredibly perfect sounding clothes.

Listen on high quality speakers of headphones.

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Cee lo is woring on his resume.

Mark Guiliana is a better drummer than you.


8 little notes

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